Sunday, July 29, 2012

More thoughts from SMCI E-Campaign 2012

It has been about a week since we returned from Negros. If only I could stay for another week or two, but I know it's all in God's will for me to experience it for only a week. 

The weather became really bad in Philippines on our last day and it has been that way until now. People in Bohol had problems traveling to CDO by ferry due to the heavy storms, but thank God they finally did today. The Captain gave the green light to sail. According to Simon, the journey was a rough one. Many people were sea-sick, but I'm sure it was all worth it when they successfully reached CDO! :) 

I was just remarking to Justin, "wow, so exciting. too bad our week wasn't as exciting." To which, he replied, "Maybe that's because we're not ready for it."

That was a very striking and real answer. It told me so much about God and about the team I was with. For us (ex-Campus grp), we really had it very easy. We covered no more than 5 classrooms per day, and everything was smooth sailing. No big obstacles hindered us. Maybe we were really not ready for big obstacles, but God still showed Himself strong through the smooth week. It made me realise how loving God is. Knowing that we (of whom many are first-timers) may not be ready for big obstacles, He protected us by deterring the obstacles. I can only marvel at how great this Father is. This same God also showed His love to the people in Bohol by seeing them through even in the midst of the storm. If I'm touched and amazed by hearing these testimonies, how much more the people themselves who were there?

And as the song goes,
"My God is so BIG

So strong and so MIGHTY,
There's nothing my God cannot do."

Two more weeks of E-Campaign. Two more weeks of experiencing even more of God's wondrous works in CDO and Davao.

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