This is probably the most surreal week I ever had in my life.
Never did I expect to have lunch with a very talented actor from The Lion King.
I had always been crazy about TLK since I was 6, and to be able to watch it live in the theatre was definitely one of my happiest moments this year (not once, but twice). The actor that impressed me most was Lyall Ramsden., who played Zazu. Not only did he have amazing puppetry skills, he had great vocals and aesthetics. Definitely my favourite character in the musical.
Not gonna put my grandmother story here, but I had the golden opportunity to buy him lunch at Crystal Jade this week, and in turn, he offered to give me the program with the signatures of most of the main cast. :)
Imagine the excitement in me. I felt like a little kid all over again, and in a sense, it's a dream come true for a huge TLK fan.
More importantly, I'm thankful that he was humble and opened, agreeing to meet me not once, but twice, despite the busy schedule.
Glad to have made a new friend :)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
on repeat mode
It's an honor and a privilege, a duty I perform
With due sense of decorum and with pride
With deference and great respect very much the norm
Plus a hint of sycophancy on the side
To lay before my ruler all the facts about his realm
To fill him in on all the beastly news
Yes, yes, Zazu, get on with it!
In order that His Majesty stands sturdy at the helm
Aware of all the fauna's latest views
Zazu! The morning report!
Er-- yes, Sire-- the morning report
Chimps are going ape, giraffes remain above it all
Elephants remember, though just what I can't recall
Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks
Showed interest in my nest egg but I quickly said "No thanks!"
We haven't paid the hornbills and the vultures have a hunch
Not everyone invited will be coming back for lunch
This is the morning report
Gives you the long and the short
Every grunt, roar, and snort
Not a tale I distort
On the morning report
What are you doing, son?
Let and old pro show you how it's done
The buffalo have got a beef
About this season's grass (Stay low to the ground)
Warthogs have been thwarted
In attempts to save their gas
Flamingoes in the pink and (Yeah, stay low!)
Chasing secretary birds
Saffron is this season's color
Seen in all the herds (Shh, not a sound)
Moving down the rank and file ( Take it slow)
To near the bottom rung (One more step)
Far too many beetles are
Quite frankly in the dung (Then pounce!)
This is the morning report
Gives you the long and the short
Every grunt, roar, and snort
Not a tale I distort
On the morning report
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Introducing my love
Tis' true, when they say dogs are Man's best friend.
Here's Skippy, who entered into my life 7 years ago.
A true friend indeed, because he knows when I am sad and when I'm crying in bed.
He loves sleeping, and once he sleeps, he's like a pig.
But the moment he hears my sniffs, he'll get up, come up to me, and lick my tears away.
I love Skippy, as much as a brat he may be. :)
Here's Skippy, who entered into my life 7 years ago.
A true friend indeed, because he knows when I am sad and when I'm crying in bed.
He loves sleeping, and once he sleeps, he's like a pig.
But the moment he hears my sniffs, he'll get up, come up to me, and lick my tears away.
I love Skippy, as much as a brat he may be. :)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
everyday should be valentine's day
P.S: The guitar arrangement in this song is beautiful!
14 February. The day restaurants, florists, and jewelers earn big amounts of profit.
Okay, that's beside the point. Yes, everyday should be Valentine's Day. The world would be a better place if everybody shows some love in one way or another, not just on 14 February.
I really thank God for people who love me. Maybe sometimes I expect too much from the people I love, and I fail to understand their love language, especially those whose love language is different from mine. I pray that God will make me a more understanding and patient person, slow to anger, and gentle in my words. It's tough, really. The more you try to achieve certain attributes, the harder it is.
Of course, none of these worldly love can ever compare to the love of God. It "goes beyond the highest star and reaches to the lowest hell; it's measureless and strong". We love because He first loved us. This gives us a perfect example to follow - to love unconditionally (agape).
Blessed Valentine's Day :)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
hanging by the rope
Father, please give me all the strength I need to go through this semester. You know how much I dread going to school every single day. You know how I have to drag my feet to the classroom. You know how lazy I am to complete my readings and my homework. You know how much of a procrastinator I am.
Father, as much as I detest going to school, I do not want my grades to drop. It's going to be a tough 14 weeks. My timetable is almost packed, and I am taking modules I DON'T enjoy at all. I am desperate in securing a job before graduation. I am not having the best time of my life now juggling tuition, schoolwork, relationships, and Quiet Time. Please let not this dread for school affect my attitude towards the people I love.
I know that since You have put me into this, You will see me through it. But Father, please give me the strength to glean on that promise. Help me to walk aright with You as I take my remaining steps to reach the summit. The higher I get, the more tired I become. So Father, renew my strength, for "You are the strength when I am weak", and "You are my all in all".
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
yet again
How many times have I posted this picture?
School has started again, it's my third day of school, and I'm feeling as if it's already the third month.
No one has any idea how much I HATE school, and I am writing this with much tears of agony in my eyes now.
I am not kidding when I said I am upset with school.
I am not trying to gain any sympathy when I say I'm tired.
I am serious.
This semester is going to be the worst semester I ever had. This is worse than taking 5 Literature modules back in my first year. Worse, I still have one elective pending for approval. If I don't get it, I will either NOT graduate, or I'll have 48 hours to hunt for an elective (which is definitely something I won't enjoy studying, like some science or engineering module). What to do? Choose the latter, duh. Who wants to stay on for another semester just to clear ONE elective that's only worth 3AUs?
Doesn't help that I'm falling sick during this first week of school, and CNY is just the next week. No, CNY is not fun when you have work on hand and you can't use the holidays to complete the work. CNY tires the body and makes the body not want to do anymore work. CNY this year will just make school even more depressing.
Even worse, the school has invited a renowned local author to teach the Fiction writing class, and my classmates ALL have work in progress except for me. The last time I wrote fiction was Primary School Composition.
My friends from the same cohort are all enjoying themselves now with just a couple of modules. Am I stupid to have opted out of FYP? Not regretting the decision, though. But I hate it when I have to explain why I opted out, and when I get sympathetic stares from some people. What's there to be sympathetic about?
I'm really on the verge of bursting with the thought of what is to come in the next 13 weeks. People tell me that school is better than work life. Yes I know that. But school has its own problems too.
I'm really sick of school. Who understands?
Monday, January 3, 2011
My Father, My Provider
It's amazing how God showed Himself worthy and mighty today, just after the morning sermon on God's provision for the new year.
Since last November, I didn't have a stable pocket money because there were no more tuition classes. I assumed that I would be following up one of the classes in 2011, but to my dismay, I did not receive anymore updates from the tuition centre, and hence, I came to the conclusion that I will not have any pocket money to see me through my last semester of school. (Well, I could ask my parents but I don't like being in debt).
During lunchtime today, I received a call from the tuition centre, reminding me to teach on Tuesday evening. The first response I gave over the phone was not of joy, but of sarcasm because I had no idea at all that I was supposed to teach in 2011. D reminded me of the morning's sermon, and in my heart I felt so bad for not having the heart of thanks when I got the phonecall.
Thinking back, God has provided for me since the tuition classes ended. The tuition classes have been quite a huge source of my pocket money for the past year and a half, so when the classes ended during the last week of October, I knew that for November and December, I'm gonna be very poor. But God being God, was so good to me. He gave me a new student to teach (without me having to travel out of my house!), and relief job or a few days at a student centre where I used to work.
My faith may run dry, but God's provisions never run out of stock!