Sunday, April 6, 2008

All Things Bright and Beautiful

All things bright and beautiful,
all creatures great and small,
all things wise and wonderful:
the Lord God made them all.

Each little flower that opens,
each little bird that sings,
God made their glowing colors,
and made their tiny wings.

The purple-headed mountains,
the river running by,
the sunset and the morning
that brightens up the sky.

The cold wind in the winter,
the pleasant summer sun,
the ripe fruits in the garden:
God made them every one.

God gave us eyes to see them,
and lips that we might tell
how great is God Almighty,
who has made all things well


There are 3 tunes (so far that I know, at least) for this song, but my favourite is still the original tune, the 17th Century English melody arranged by Martin F Shaw. You can check out the tune here.

The other two tunes can be found here and here. =D

Thank God for His wonderful creation :)


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