Monday, April 28, 2008

The Circuit

Exactly one more week to my driving test! It's quite scary actually...

Went to the driving circuit for the very first time just now. The feeling was quite overwhelming initially, seeing SO MANY cars and SO MANY number signs, and if I were to go in with an unclear mind, I'd definitely be bound to make terrible mistakes. Thankfuly I did not screw my first time in the circuit. Can't say the same for the second time I'll be going in, and the third time I'll be going in would be the test itself. Never mind, que sera, whatever will be will be. If I pass, I pass.. if I fail, I fail.. duh.

I was reading through my blog archives, and also the past entries of my diary. It's amazing to see how I've progressed/regressed/remain stagnant in different aspects of my life, and also how circumstances around me have changed or affected everything. Some were really silly, some were funny, some were emo, some were happy, some were sad, some were filled with angst..etc.

But that's life, isn't it? A myriad of feelings and emotions of life, just like a roller-coaster ride.


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